It’s never easy to see kids in crisis. Especially for parents and caregivers who don’t know what to do when faced with this kind of dire situation. For the past five years, the Crisis Care Center has been a go-to resource for families who are in immediate need of mental health crisis intervention. These services are available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to midnight, and Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We dream of a day when Crisis Care Center services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The Goal of Crisis Care

The main purpose of our Crisis Care Center is to ensure the safety of children and families in crisis and to divert them from hospital admission when possible. Hospital emergency services can be costly for the families we serve – many who struggle to make ends meet. And while hospital emergency rooms are staffed with experts in physical trauma, they are often inadequately staffed with mental health specialists.

Our mental health clinicians and psychiatrists at The Children’s Center work to stabilize the child in crisis, provide safety assessments, counseling and treatment.

2017 Crisis Care Milestones

Last year, our Crisis Care Center had a landmark year for treating kids in crisis. Here are some of our accomplishments:

  • Served 661 children and addressed nearly 800 crises
  • Average hospital diversion rate of 75%, exceeding our goal of 65%
  • Fewest inpatient hospitalizations compared to the past five years
  • Diverted nearly 60% more hospitalizations compared to other Wayne County children’s community mental health agencies

Although treating crises is an expensive process for The Children’s Center, helping our families avoid costly hospital bills and reducing the trauma our children and families experience is a major win. Thank you for making a difference for our children and families when they need it most.



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