Since 1929, The Children’s Center has strived to help children and families shape their own futures. Supporters like you share our vision of a healthy, thriving Detroit where every child can reach their highest potential. And now we’re proud to share a new way to give with this free tool from our friends at FreeWill that can be used to create or update your estate plan online! In just about 20 minutes, you can make a difference to:

  • Complete an important act of care
  • Gain peace of mind about the future
  • Secure your legacy and care for your loved ones

Just as your support has helped fuel our Center for years, we want to give you the gift of self-care with this free estate planning resource. FreeWill’s platform will guide you through each step of writing your will, so you can create an estate plan that reflects all your values. Planning your estate is one thoughtful action that puts you one step closer to achieving your goals, taking care of yourself, and finding peace of mind.