It Takes A Village

Helping vulnerable children and families dream again takes time. Our Village of Giving (VOG) members understand that children can’t turn their despair into determination without expert help. That’s why VOG members make five-year pledges starting at $1,000 a year. That’s $20 a week to meet the greatest needs of children.

HOH-B_04-17_VillageWe are grateful for nearly 200 members, along with the generosity of many others at every gift level for empowering children to overcome their past so they may heal, thrive and dream again.

Welcome our newest VOG member Liz Rogers!

“I joined VOG because The Children’s Center does great work. Twenty dollars a week is easily lost on movies and coffee. I’d rather know my money is helping children and families who won’t have a brighter tomorrow without it.”

Learn more about VOG by contacting Marletta Boyd II at 313.481.5116 or



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