For kids on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), summer camp can be an overload on their senses and wellbeing. But we know that with a few modifications, it’s possible to create an environment that allows them to have a summer camp experience that works with their needs. That’s why we designed Gamer Camp for kids with ASD, giving them the chance to participate in fun activities while practicing social skills with their peers.


Let the Games Begin

We started off our Camp by talking about the important things to do when playing a game with friends — taking turns, waiting, sharing, using kind words, and appropriately accepting wins and losses.


We then targeted these skills by creating three game stations, Jenga, Hedbanz and Wii, encouraging kids to practice what they learned. When kids demonstrated one of the target skills, we gave them a ticket as reinforcement. At the end of the session, kids cashed in the tickets for a prize.


Developing Key Social Skills

By targeting important skills in a Gamer Camp setting, it is more likely that our kids with ASD will generalize these skill when they play games with others in their home and community. Our goal is that our kids with ASD will learn to interact with same-age peers in a way that allows them to be a part of a group of friends, and have a lot of fun along the way!

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