Nothing's worse than when your child is in crisis. Who can help when it feels like your world is falling apart? We can.
Your monthly gift enables us to keep our services free and available to the children and families we serve.
Being in a loving foster care home offers our children the chance to know protection, compassion, hope.
Since 1929, we’ve led the way in working with children struggling with mental and behavioral health challenges or experiencing trauma.
Want to help new children and families or caregivers understand services and resources provided by The Children’s Center? Join us.
What better way to celebrate your birthday than to give to others? It only takes 21 seconds to create your own fundraiser in 3 quick steps.
We have an amazing Facebook family. We share experiences, insights and we’ll keep you abreast of important upcoming events.
We help children by looking at more than a single issue. We treat the whole child. We examine the barriers in the home, school or community. We work with the family who raises them. And we bring all our learning together to support their healing and get them on the road to a happier, more fulfilling childhood. What makes The Children’s Center unlike any other place? Within the answer is the magic of who we are, our unique brand.
We help children heal, grow and thrive. We help empower their voices. And learn to self-advocate once they’re outside the comfort of our walls. Learn about our advocacy priorities and why the work we do is essential. Lend your voice and passion. We rely on passionate volunteers to amplify our messages online and help advance our policy platform.
The Children’s Center stands for family, for healing and for hope. We practice integrated, evidence-based care. That means care that’s been tried and tested, proven to be effective to help children overcome their challenges and grow into strong, healthy, productive adults.