Having children who have experienced trauma or distress puts a lot of weight on a parent or guardian. Often, the parents we see don’t even know where to begin to get their family on track. [...]
I’m Ms. Vanessa. The Children’s Center has made a big difference to my family. I don’t know what I would do without it. This is my story: My niece struggled raising her children. Her oldest [...]
Raise your hand if you’re ready for summer! Our children are gearing up for the 2019 Summer Camp, but we could use a little help from you. Every year we invite 30 children, ages 7 and up, [...]
You came, you listened to powerful stories of heartbreak and healing, and you showed us you believe in raising up the dreams of children. We couldn’t thank you enough for attending our 14th [...]
It’s not just our children who are curious readers. Our parents saw the amazing success of our Teen Book Club and wanted a club of their own. Say no more! We formed a monthly Breakfast Book Club [...]
Because of you, The Children’s Center has an amazing array of programs and services that set us apart from other children’s nonprofits. If you’re ever curious about what [...]
May is special month for us here at The Children’s Center. It’s National Foster Care Awareness month — a time when we shine a spotlight on a program that is so important to Detroit [...]
At our 14th annual Power of Possibilities Breakfast, we heard from some of our families about their stories of trauma and triumph. One story from a brave, young woman named Nijeria, touched on [...]
YOU showed children that science can be a blast! Last month The Ann Arbor Hands on Museum came to The Children’s Center and provided 80 children and parents with a night of science, experiments, [...]
Parents like Beatrice are scared to reach out for help for their children. But when Beatrice brought Laurene to The Children’s Center, they were welcomed with open arms. She began to trust [...]